Purchasing Order Information

Payments Not Requiring a Purchase Order

One of the features of the new business system is the ability to process certain types of payments without a purchase order. Examples of payments that can be made without a purchase order are:

Cash Advance /Travel*
Paperwork needed: Requisition with prior Assistant Superintendent approval.

Consultants – individuals only
Paperwork needed: Consultant agreement

Paperwork needed: Request for Payment form

Paperwork needed: Requisition for installation. Monthly service paid from bills.

Paperwork needed: Requisition, Final Claim Envelope

Utilities (gas & electric and water)
Paperwork needed: Paid from bills.

Reimbursements for:

Damage to Employee’s Personal Property
Paperwork needed: Claim form

Purchase under $75
Paperwork needed: Request for Payment form

Paperwork needed: Requisition , Final Claim Envelope

These type of expenditures are not encumbered. They will not show in the system until they are paid. (Doesn’t show up until actually paid.) Interim Travel Procedures* The travel leave system is still under development.

Until leave system is completed, information normally contained on the leave of absence form will be entered on a requisition. However, a purchase order will not be issued.