Travel Procedures

Cash Advance – Submit Travel Planning Log

  • School or department will generate each staff member’s Travel Planning Log and cash advance Infor requisition.
    • Confirm employee is set up as vendor in Infor. Submit email request to the Purchasing department and allow one week for processing.
      • Name, last four of SS# and site/dept.
  • The travel planning log is a fillable form and each section needs to be completed and the vendor number needs to be included.
    • You will need to make sure you have supporting documentation, such as flights/hotel/Uber/shuttle/mileage
    • Each travel log will need to be signed by the employee, supervisor, and Assistant Superintendent
    • If the expenditure is greater than $2,500 please ensure that on the requisition comment includes the board meeting approval date (e.g. “Board of Trustees approved June 10, 2024, Item K-7”)
    • You will need to attach the following to each Infor requisition:
      • Travel planning log (Exhibit B – See Below)
      • Flight estimate
      • Hotel estimate
      • Any estimates for shuttle/taxi/Uber, mileage
      • Parking fees
      • Registration confirmation (if paid by employee)
      • Event flyer or registration form showing itinerary
  • Once you submit the Infor requisition, if complete, the Purchasing department will review and issue the purchase order. Purchase order is sent to the requester and to the Accounting department.
  • Accounting department will process the cash advance
    • Please ensure 6-8 weeks of processing time prior to the conference date, as SDCOE needs to review and release the warrants.

Final/Claim Reconciliation of Cash Advance – Submit Final Claim Log

  • All travel claims need to be reconciled and closed with actual receipts within 30 days of the travel per Administrative Regulation 3350.1(a).
    • Actual detailed hotel statement
    • Actual detailed airline receipt
  • The Final claim reconciliation is below – Exhibit C.
    • Please ensure payment is provided if a balance is due to the district. Only checks and money orders are accepted. NO CASH.
  • If the actual expenditures exceed the purchase order amount an encumbrance adjustment form needs to be submitted to the Finance department (budget analyst) in order for the purchase order to be increased and the claim closed.
  • If the actual expenditures are less than the purchase order a reimbursement check needs to be provided by the employee made payable to Sweetwater Union High School District.

AR 3350.1 Reimbursement for Travel and Other Expenses

Planning Log (Updated August 2024) – Exhibit B

Final Claim Log (Updated August 2024) – Exhibit C